The Popcorn Story by Ivan the Freelancer

The Popcorn Story Contents

Friday, October 22, 2010


What’s the matter with people who keep on saying, “Time is Money”, throughout their lives? Unexpectedly, I received enlightenment about this at a marketing seminar. An old man who is an expert of Guerrilla Marketing named Jay Conrad Levinson finally told something that caught my attention.

He said one of the biggest mistakes that we have learned from our parents is, “Time is Money”. If we keep on saying this, we will never be happy for the rest of our lives. Make sense though.

Time is Life, “not” Money. When we run out of money, doesn’t mean that we run out of time. But if we run out of time, our life will surely end, no matter how much money you have. That’s why doctors only tell how much time that dying people have before death.

Be happy if you still have time, because you can still live.

So the future lesson for your kids is, “Time is Life”.

(Picture is taken from Omega Watch).

Ivan the Freelancer


Lore said...

I forget where I heard the quote, but it struck such a deep chord with me, it changed how I looked at things completely at a fairly young age. It was

"Nobody on their deathbeds ever wished they spent more time at work/at the office."

Reading this made that spring to mind, very well said, and something I wish more people became aware of before it's too late.

Tony McGurk said...

I agree, money isn't everything in life. There are plenty of unhappy rich people & plenty of happy poor people. Time IS Life is so true

Kana said...

So often the people who are happiest are the ones who are the "least" successful by our society's standards; a minimum-wage job, renting a bungalow by the beach, living for the weekends and filling their days with memories. Those with the strength to be labeled a loser by society and not care are probably the happiest, because they can pursue what they love without feeling constrained by public successes like a prestigious job and a nice car.

Meir Top ליטושים והברקה said...

מספר 1 בניקוי וליטוש

ניקיון ,שטיחים והברקת מרצפות
הברקה וניקוי שוטף וניסיון רב מעל מ15 שנה
ליטוש יהלום-לשיש ולמרצפות, יישור אריחים
עבודות פוליש, ניקוי מושלם של דירות לאחר בניה ושיפוץ
ניקוי יסודי ומקצועי של שטיחים וריפודים
ניקוי חלונות
ניקוי חלונות בסנפלינג למשרדים

Ivan Mulyadi said...

Thank you Kana, Tony McGurk, and Lore for reading my blog. So glad if we can still have time to share moments and insights with the people we love. Many thanks.