The Popcorn Story by Ivan the Freelancer

The Popcorn Story Contents

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LITTLE CHINA TOWN - Ivan’s Journal

It was a quiet stroll at noon, enjoying cool breezes in the mal.

My butterfly saw a place she likes. A place to eat filled with Chinese ornaments.

“This must be your first time.” I said.

Red Chinese lanterns wiggling, following her hand held on to me.

She smiled and nodded.

I returned the smile… “Me too.”

I sat down as I took off my glasses and slipped a lemon-mint candy into my mouth, “Hey, let’s try that yummy roasted chicken over there.”

Her sparkling eyes gazed into me, “Oh, I like this place… Let’s walk some more.”

Places make memories – and like Optimus Prime said, “By those memories, we live on.”

Ivan the Freelancer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pan, romantis apa blog kamu ttg Meilinda !! bagus sih tempatnya dimana tuh chinese restaurantnya?
Aku janji baca blog kamu, untuk beberapa foto panorama aku bisa mengerti tapi untuk film skrng ini aku puber hbs jadi tdk nyambung deh !!

Ingrid Viegas