Raging Bull focuses its story on a man named Jake La Motta (Robert De Niro) about his life and also his boxing career. Compared to Cinderella Man, Raging Bull has a contrast story when you see it from the angle of the boxer’s character and their families.
Jake La Motta didn’t seem to have any critical money or financial problems. In fact, you can say that he lived with above average lifestyle from any other people at that time (the year of 1980). The problems about Jake were his psychological complexities and violent behavior, not just inside the ring, but also outside the ring. He often felt paranoid and jealous about anything around him.
For a boxer, Jake didn’t have huge body postures like one would imagine. His body was just an average size like any other people around him. But his ability and strength couldn’t be taken lightly. Raging Bull was a perfect name for him as he always raged and charged like a bull. He was a deadly and dangerous boxer.
He had quite successful boxing career and wealth although his life and family were often torn apart as he raged not only in the ring, but also raged against his families and surroundings. I believe we can all learn from any kind of situations, whether it’s good or bad. Raging Bull can give inspirations to all of us about how tough it is to control our temper.
If you like to watch a hot-tempered bull, great boxing, hectic families and sarcastic dialogs, then you must watch Raging Bull. But I strongly suggest that you also see my story about Cinderella Man and watch it for comparison and for more complete inspirations.
Ivan the Freelancer
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