The Popcorn Story by Ivan the Freelancer

The Popcorn Story Contents

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It is said that God created the world before He created the humans. Humans were created from this world itself. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. So we live and die along with this world. It is also said the energy that we absorb from nature are borrowed and never given. Unfortunately, we always have to return all the things we borrow.

Can you imagine the air that we breathe is actually borrowed? The air is free of charge, but the trees that release it are not. We are borrowing the energy of air from those trees. Not to mention all the “natural” food from the nature. We owe so much to the nature, yet we are destroying it slowly.

This is our land… But it is not given… It is only borrowed. Don’t just take whatever you want, because you will have to return it later on.

Nature does not take sides, but it can “hear” our deeds. Nature nurtures us but can also punish – Nature can give and take lives as well.

Ivan the Freelancer

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