The Popcorn Story by Ivan the Freelancer

The Popcorn Story Contents

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


They say an art comes from the heart to the brain. If it comes just from the brain, it’ll be just logic. Our earth along with all its living beings is a work of art. It’s the art from God Himself. But what can we do as humans? – As we’re merely his work of art too…

The experts made a forecast that the ocean level will increase due to the rise of temperature of our climate. The ice will melt and many islands, cities, and nations will be threatened by massive and deadly flood. This catastrophe is close in the near future and we all know that. The question is how close and how bad?

The truth is we do not have to be an expert to be able to predict what will happen to our earth, if we still carry on living with our “poisonous” way of life. Thank God, while we’re busy destroying our own world, there are still people out there who can come up with solutions.

A Belgian architect named Vincent Callebaut managed to create ideas and put them into pictures and words. The ideas, pictures, and words turned into a project called “Lilypad a Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees”. No, it’s not a flower or a plant. It’s a gigantic amphibian city – half aquatic, half terrestrial.

This awesome floating city is said to be able to accommodate 50.000 people, pollution free, and have its own abilities to produce all the resources we need – even recycle our wastes. The design of this floating city is inspired by Amazonia Victoria Regia leaf. Imagine if we can build many of these floating Lilypad cities…

You can find further complete and reliable information about the Lilypad project by visiting

Will humans and nature finally manage to live in harmony? Many people think that this is an impossible project and can only exist in our dreams. But I believe that all the possible come from the impossible and the reality comes from a dream. It is about how to make the impossible become possible.

Truly an inspiration… I wonder, what can we do to help?

My Butterfly, thank you for sending me an email about this.

Ivan the Freelancer


Anonymous said...

Rumah bunga lily, rumah impian, rumah masa depan kita.. Moga moga ide ini bisa jadi kenyataan :-)

Anonymous said...

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