The Popcorn Story by Ivan the Freelancer

The Popcorn Story Contents

Thursday, May 15, 2008

COMING HOME - The Bourne Ultimatum

Bourne was tired… He’s tired of running… This time, he decided to strike back. It wouldn’t be easy, as his enemies would do anything in their power to stop Bourne from learning his true identity. The movie about a man who tried so hard to learn from his past just get more and more exciting with realistic fighting scenes, high speed car chases, and more importantly – interesting plots and great storyline.

As you watch this movie, be prepared not to miss the scenes even in a split second because everything moves with high speed – including the conversations. Also be careful not to let your eyes got to close to the screen as the scenes moved in a fast and quick rhythm and might make you feel a bit queasy. It seems like many scenes were taken using hand-held camera techniques, which produces rather shaky but terrific images / shots.

Bourne managed to eliminate few main actors in the agency in the previous series. But the true criminal mastermind hid himself behind the mask of CIA agency. As you can see from the previous series, not all people wanted Bourne dead. This time he got people helping him – although that didn’t seem to make his missions became less challenging.

The matters became more complicated as the news about Bourne’s runaway had somehow reached the press. A reporter knew too much about the case (Blackbriar) and his life was also threatened. Unfortunately, the reporter had an important clue about Bourne’s progress in uncovering the criminal mastermind. It would not be easy, as Bourne had to face the most deadly and well trained assassins, ready to pop his head.

I definitely should not tell you about the ending of this movie, as it will ruin your fun of watching it. Bourne finally learn something very important about his whole mysterious past – At last, it had come to a one big conclusion for him. Alone and still on the run… Is there going to be another Bourne’s movie coming up?

See also: The Bourne Identity ; The Bourne Supremacy

Ivan the Freelancer


Anonymous said...

Cool dude...Legacy coming up soon

Budget Traveler said...

I haven't watched this, i didn't read this post.:)

Just dropped by to say thanks for the visit

Ivan Mulyadi said...

Hello Budget Traveler. Thanks also for your visit. I suggest you see it. Really great action movie :)