There is really a thin line between pride and arrogance. If someone has a strong value or principle in life, there can only be one outcome of it – pride or arrogance. We all must be proud of ourselves and what we stand for. But that pride must not turn into arrogance. This principle is true in all aspects of life, whether in religions, cultures, values, careers, titles, you name it.

Ip Man speaks in the name of Wing Chun. He respects Wing Chun and proud to apply it as his value in his life. But whenever his opponents were defeated and admitted, “Your Kung Fu is better than mine”, Ip Man replied, “It is not about whose Kung Fu is better. The real problem is you”.

Proud men are those who hold their values, but always remain open and respect toward others. Proud man is always willing to learn from others.

On the other hand, arrogant men are those who always think that their values are better than others. Arrogance always speak that they and their values are the best and everybody should become like them.
No matter what we stand for, arrogance is not an option.
Pride is not arrogance.
Be proud of yourself, but don’t let that pride turn into arrogance.
It is not about which kung fu, religions, cultures, values are the best. The real problem is you… and your ego…
Ivan the Freelancer