Po is cute and sweet… Po is clumsy but adorable… Po wears tight shorts and has a big tummy… He is a fat panda who has a talent that only the wise can discover. Being a panda, Po loves to eat a lot and sleep a lot. He lived and ran a restaurant selling noodles with his dad – Although they don’t look like father and son physically, but they surely have emotional bonds toward each other. Po makes me laugh a lot with his big butt and wacky face expressions. 
Po had a dream to become a master of kung fu. As we all know, all things start from a dream. One day, Po heard a news that Master Oogway the turtle was about to choose someone to become a Dragon Warrior in a competition held in the Jade Temple. So, he brought his big butt and tummy to the Jade Temple high up the hills. Po always wanted to go there so that he could see the competition and his great kung fu idols, the Furious Five (Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper, and Monkey) – All trained by the famous kung fu master named Shifu.
Shifu with his big-fluffy-furry tail believed that one of the Furious Five would be chosen to become the Dragon Warrior. But Master Oogway had another thing in his head when he saw Po fell down from the sky with a chair full of firecrackers. Everybody dropped their jaws as Oogway with his sleepy eyes pointed Po to become a Dragon Warrior instead of the Furious Five. Everybody thought Oogway was crazy. How could a big fat panda who couldn’t even see his own feet become a Dragon Warrior?
Nearly at the same time, a bad and savage kung fu master, the snow leopard named Tai Lung escaped from his prison and demanded revenge for his exile. Tai Lung was very powerful and his skills in kung fu were superior. The Dragon Warrior was the only one who could defeat Tai Lung, and that choice had been put to Po the Panda by Master Oogway. Being the wisest of all, Oogway could somehow see the hidden talent in Po that everyone else couldn’t see.
Time was running out, as Master Shifu had to give everything he got to train Po, the fat and clumsy Kung Fu Panda into a Dragon Warrior in order to defeat Tai Lung. In the middle of desperation between Shifu and Po, Oogway told them the most precious lessons ever – that they only had to believe. Shifu and Po finally managed to believe, but was it enough to defeat the mighty Tai Lung?
Sweet Po gives us lots of fun and laughter – and we should remember him as a kung fu panda who could reach his dream – simply because he believes in it. Po also tells us that there is no secret recipe to become what we want to be. There is only us and what we do…
This is the first animation movie that I write in my blog. Is this a coincidence? No, there is no coincidence – Like Master Oogway used to say with his sleepy eyes, “There is no coincidence”.

Ivan the Freelancer